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The Coming of Age of Big Data and Marketing Technology: Embracing Established Methodologies With Modern Tools

Written by Engage Martech | Jun 24, 2024 3:04:33 PM

David White, Founder and CEO of David White Consulting finds that in the ever-evolving landscape of marketing technology (martech) and big data, it's fascinating to see how some tried and trusted methodologies are making a comeback. So, how can you use them?

For marketers, especially those with limited budgets, this evolution presents a golden opportunity to leverage powerful tools that were once out of reach.

The Evolution of Martech and Big Data

Big data has revolutionised how businesses operate, providing insights that drive decision-making and strategic planning.

Martech, the intersection of marketing and technology, has further enhanced this by offering tools that automate, analyse, and optimise marketing efforts. One of the most surprising revelations is the continued reliance on tools like Excel, especially for tasks like pivot tables, which are indispensable for big data manipulation.

The importance of SEO and accessibility

In today’s digital landscape, having a robust online presence is crucial.

Websites must be accessible across all devices, fully compliant with accessibility standards, and optimised for search engines (SEO). These elements are not just technical requirements but are integral to reaching and engaging a broader audience.

Interestingly, a recent survey highlighted a gap in knowledge among website designers, with less than 5% truly understanding the requirements for building SEO-friendly sites.

Similarly, accessibility is often overlooked or superficially addressed.

This oversight can lead to significant issues post-launch, from missed SEO opportunities to potentially expensive legal challenges due to non-compliance with accessibility laws.

Leveraging free online tools

Fortunately, there are numerous free tools available that can help bridge these knowledge gaps and ensure websites are both SEO-friendly and accessible. These tools democratize access to essential functionalities, allowing even small businesses to compete with larger counterparts.

Here are some of the most effective free online tools:

  • Google Analytics: Google Analytics - A comprehensive tool for tracking and analysing website traffic.
  • Google Search Console: Google Search Console - Helps monitor, maintain, and troubleshoot your site's presence in Google Search results.
  • Screaming Frog SEO Spider: Screaming Frog - A website crawler that helps improve onsite SEO.
  • WAVE Web Accessibility Evaluation Tool: WAVE - Analyses web content for accessibility issues.
  • axe Accessibility Checker: axe - A browser extension that evaluates web accessibility.
  • Web Accessibility Checker by AChecker: AChecker - Evaluates HTML content for accessibility.
  • Colour Contrast Checker by WebAIM: WebAIM Contrast Checker - Ensures text has sufficient contrast against backgrounds.

The benefits of modern site-building tools

Modern site-building tools mean that businesses can focus more on their brand and marketing strategies, rather than the technical complexities of website creation. The reduction in errors due to less randomisation during site creation is another significant benefit, making these tools indispensable for modern marketers.

This eliminates the need for mobile break-points, making sites inherently responsive across devices from mobile phones to large desktop screens. The standout product in the field is Bricks Builder, that has grown organically through word of mouse.

The role of performance measurement

Measuring performance is crucial in marketing. Tools like heat maps and click tracking offer invaluable insights into user behaviour, enabling marketers to fine-tune their campaigns. Despite the availability of advanced analytics platforms, many still rely on Excel pivot tables for their reliability and familiarity.

Enhancing user engagement

By harnessing the power of free online SEO and accessibility tools to create high-quality, compliant websites marketers can achieve better reach, enhanced user engagement, and ultimately, superior marketing outcomes.

By David White, Founder and CEO of David White Consulting