Digital marketing blog by Engage MarTech

The Pursuit of the Perfect Customer, Brand Familiarity, and the Impact of Digital Accessibility

Written by Engage Martech | Jun 14, 2024 2:06:02 PM

Everyone wants to find the perfect customer. That’s someone who buys frequently from you, recommends your brand to others, and demonstrates brand loyalty. With more choice provided by e-commerce, that can be a tough person to find – and not all customers are the same; they can’t and shouldn’t be seen as a one-size-fits-all.

Thankfully, sales and marketing technologies – including the use of artificial intelligence to analyse Big Data – can enable you to know more about what each customer, and to predict market trends – perhaps even before they happen.

Knowing your customer

So, in this edition of Engage MarTech, David White, Founder and CEO of David White Consulting, reveals how to use marketing technology to understand customers. To increase customer engagement, and ultimately sales, he discusses how to use personalisation, social listening, or monitoring social media, the importance of buyer personas, the use of analysing demographics, psychographics, behavioural data, and direct interactions.

Driving Sales

Duarte Garrido, Fractional CMO and VP of Marketing at Connectd, and Marketing Advisor, finds that it isn’t familiarity that breeds contempt, but success. In his article, ‘Strong Brands Drive More Sales: Familiar Brands Win More Loyalty,’ he asks: “Why? Why do big brands keep consistently getting bigger, while challenger brands are left in the dust - in the contrail?” You can also find out his thoughts on the potential of artificial intelligence in marketing.

Lastly, Dan Drury, Board advisor at Mindroom and veteran of digital communications, writing for AAATraq, reveals the importance of web and digital accessibility compliance in his piece, ‘The Surprising Impact Of Website And App Accessibility On Reach And Engagement.’ If organisations don’t all everyone of all abilities, then they are missing out on increasing their customer base, and they could find themselves losing customer engagement.

Learn more in this week’s edition of Engage MarTech, and don’t forget to drop me a line if you have any article ideas for the next weeks’ editions.

By Graham Jarvis, Editor