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How AI is Transforming Marketing Capabilities at Bidwells

In this episode our Guest Host Rachel Aldighieri, Managing Director of the DMA is joined by Ben Lee, Senior Communications Manager at Bidwells.

Ben has been working with GenAI at Bidwells since early 2022, determined to focus on the art of the possible. Having seen a few technological shifts in a 20-year career as a journalist, public affairs consultant and PR professional, Ben quickly recognised this one as the most seismic. 

So when ChatGPT landed in late 2022 his team were already using AI tools each day to transcribe interviews, edit videos and create content.

Since then, Ben has been focused on leading AI adoption across his business and speaks regularly on the topic. His team won Best Use of AI in the 2023 B2B Marketing Awards after delivering a four-figure ROI for their AI adoption work.

Rachel Aldighieri

Rachel Aldighieri

DMA Managing Director

Ben Lee

Ben Lee

Bidwells Senior Communications Manager

This Cambridge-born former journalist has enjoyed a varied media and PR career, giving him a well-rounded view of the property market and what makes it move.  

Much has changed in the media during Ben’s career. He now produces podcasts, webinars and vlogs, as often as articles, blogs and press releases. But one thing remains: the crucial importance of telling great stories.   

He helped devise and produce Bidwells’ triple award-winning Radical Capital campaign, a manifesto for kick-starting the Oxford-Cambridge Arc, positioning Bidwells as true thought leaders and securing a formal government-advisory role for its leadership team.  

Ben approaches his work with a strong handle on the latest technological, political and societal trends, providing advice to our senior leadership team on the external influences shaping Bidwells’ future and leading discussions around the adoption of innovative technologies.   

He is optimistic about the future of Artificial intelligence and Web3 and has delivered seminars and sat on panel sessions about integrating AI into marketing and communications, ensuring Bidwells continues leading on the issues that matter most to the sector, our clients, and the communities we serve. 

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